Consenting to the opinions of the internal body in charge of administrative law enforcement investigation, and suggesting informing the parties about such opinions after submitting them for approval; 同意负责行政执法调查的内设机构的意见,建议报批后告知当事人;
The Theory of Administrative Self-Restraint of Modern Administrative Law: A Perspective of Internal Administrative law 现代行政法的行政自制理论&以内部行政法为视角
Put forward with internal administration action, abstract administration action and prep administration action as the modified case scope of administrative procedure law, and mention the theory gist and fact feasibility to list the above-mentioned action as the case scope of the administrative procedure law. 提出将内部行政行为、抽象行政行为、准行政行为作为修改后的行政诉讼法的受案范围,并论述了将上述行为列为受案范围的理论依据和现实可行性。
Constituting the internal administrative regulations is not only the extension and embodiment of ruling the public universities by law, but also are the needs for strengthening the internal management and exerting the self-government of the public university. 制定内部规则是不仅是依法治校的延伸和体现,也是是高等学校加强内部管理和行使自治权的需要,有利于促进规范高校管理工作科学、高效。
University enacting internal administrative regulation is based on education law and rule, education administrative regulation and other regulatory documents, and university chart. 高等学校制定内部规则的依据有教育法律、法规,教育行政规章及其他规范性文件、大学章程。
Establishing Standard Internal Administrative System of Law Firms 建立规范的律师事务所内部管理机制
School internal administrative regulation is not a legal norm, School internal administrative regulation is the extension of education law at school. 学校内部规则是教育法制在学校中的延伸,他的效力问题是对内部规则进行规范的重点。
In order to standardize the internal order, the administrative regulation indicates an abstract rule which, based on the administrative commanding power, is issued by the administrative organs to the government offices at lower level and public servants without direct external effects of law. 行政规则是指行政机关基于行政指挥权,为了规范行政机关的内部秩序或运作,对下级行政机关及其所属公务人员所发布的并不直接对外发生法律效果的抽象性规定。
According to these principles, the force of present school internal administrative regulation need to norm and regulate by law. 根据这些原则,现有学校内部规则的效力要进行进一步规范和法律调控。
We can explain the internal administrative relation, which can not be adjusted by law temporarily, because of "the theory of special power relation". 特别权力关系理论的存在,使得我们有些暂时无法用法律调节的内部行政关系得到了理论的支撑。
Therefore, China should strengthen the internal supervision as well as external supervision and make the two supervisions complement each other, and promote that administrative organizations and personnel execute food safety administrative inspection in accordance with law. 为此,应同时加强内部监督和外部监督,使这两种监督相互补充,促进行政机关及其工作人员依法实施食品安全行政检查。
The improvement of the institutional environment include: rationalizing the relationship between the Court of internal administrative functions and judicial functions, protection of judges exercising their judicial power independently according to law, continue to implement the reform of professional judges. 制度环境的完善主要包括:理顺法院内部行政职能与审判职能的关系;保障法官依法独立行使审判权;继续推行法官职业化改革。
The traditional theory of special power relation are created in order to explain the rationality of internal administrative rules and instructions, while in order to effectively complete the special administrative purposes, the theory completely rule out the law reservation and judicial review. 传统特别权力关系理论的创设是为了解释内部行政规则和指令的合理性,同时为了有效完成特殊的行政目的,该理论完全排除了法律保留和司法审查。